Why did you create Savertown?2021-10-05T13:05:24+00:00

SaverTown is to pay homage to America’s true heroes, and to help educate them on Ol-fashioned Finance. Those people are The American Savers.

How is SaverTown different than other advisors?2021-10-05T13:04:56+00:00

SaverTown will help savers minimize risk and maximize guarantees in their nest eggs. Many advisors feel more risk is needed these days, but I feel less risk should be taken because we have too much risk in the system.

How will SaverTown help seniors with their savings?2021-10-05T13:04:30+00:00

SaverTown offers guaranteed type insurance and annuity products.

Who is Joe the Saver?2021-10-05T13:04:04+00:00

Joe was a real person I met at a Starbucks in Levittown, NY in 2011. After our lengthy discussion and his pleasant demeanor, Joe has become the face of SaverTown. He epitomizes the American dream, nightmare and work ethic all in one!

What is SaverTown’s specialty?2021-10-05T13:03:39+00:00

SaverTown concentrates on guarantees and risk avoidance while striving to maximize safe returns.

Why should I worry about risk correct? The market bounces back sooner or later.2021-10-05T13:03:08+00:00

Well, that has certainly been true. A 40 year bull market in a sense, minus some excess market crises. The U.S. stock markets one day will face lower stock prices that will be with us for a long time.

Whats wrong with todays investing?2021-10-05T13:02:38+00:00

We have learned that markets only bounce back and that’s what our financial advisors have told us as well. But that is not true. Ask Japan. Their markets are still below 1990 stock prices.

What is the #1 mistake a saver makes with their nest egg?2021-10-05T13:02:03+00:00

In the old days, it was not enough risk. Now, it’s the opposite. The Federal Reserve is to blame for low rates and high markets.

Do you think seniors have too much investment risk?2021-10-05T13:01:01+00:00

Collectively, the answer is yes. We have had a long-lasting bull market (excluding a few financial crises) for 40 years due to very low rates created by The Federal Reserve. And as a result, too many seniors have moved money into too risky investments.

Why do you use cartoons?2021-10-05T13:00:35+00:00

Cartoons are a fun, simple and colorful way to tell stories in finance. I believe people are more apt to read a cartoon than a bland financial statement. The world is too complicated; let cartoon characters make it easier for you.

How can you help me invest the right way?2021-10-05T13:00:06+00:00

The time is now to reduce risk in your nest egg. We can move some of your funds into safe guaranteed alternatives. Contact SaverTown for more assistance.

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