The generic term often used for all annuity products. Annuity in its essence means income, and one can still purchase lifetime income for a lump-sum from many insurers
“Canary in a Coal Mine”: In earlier times, a caged canary would be transported down the coal mine tunnels to determine air safety for the miners. As long as the canary sang, the air quality was good. If the canary stopped singing and passed away, all in the mine knew to evacuate quickly. In today’s parlance, the phrase refers to a major market or economic warning sign.
Referring to an event causing “the point of no return,” CTR was derived from Ceasar in 49BC crossing the Rubicon river. Once he and his troops crossed the Rubicon, Ceasar knew it was either death or Rome for him. He uttered the phrase “The die has been cast.” The same could be send about the fed putting funds into americans accounts who qualified for stimulus funds. Once funds can be sent so easily to bank accounts, We as a country will never go back and MMT will take over our money system.
It’s when we have very little or no economic growth that makes wages and consumer prices stagnate. An economy with tremendous debt like the U.S. finds this most troublesome because debt is easier to pay off when inflation cheapens the currency.
The U.S. institution that declares interest rates, adjusts money supply, and determines interest rates. The #1 destroyer of wealth for the American saver, and the reason I founded SaverTown. The Fed is not a governmental entity, and is actually owned by U.S. commercial banks and perhaps some wealthy international families.
a certificate of deposit type of savings vehicle that offers guaranteed interest rates. Currently a fixed annuity offers interest rates much higher than a bank CD.
A medium-term savings vehicle that offers interest that’s tied to a stock market index or option. FIAs are sold via insurance companies and offer some type of guarantee and safety.
It’s what we call higher prices, which is mostly a result of excessive money-printing from The Fed.
An oft-used phrase since 2000, referring primarily to The Fed or politician pushing off cataclysms to a time down the road.
A economic idea that posits central banks can print limitless money as long as the currency and inflation is currently maintained. It’s a theory contrary to what the world has learned and experienced since the dawn of time.
Funds that are set aside for the long-term like for retirement or if younger, perhaps to purchase a house or to fund a college education.
It’s the purchasing of buying government bonds by the federal reserve from bond markets to lower or to maintain low interest rates. By purchasing bonds, The fed prefers to determine interst rates and not the free markets. These artificial rates/markets create bubbles, crises, and other excesses as a result. The U.S. needs more free markets and less manipulation via The Fed.
Very simple; take the nominal yield on U.S. treasury bonds and add the inflation rate to the yield of the bond. As of 9/30/21, the U.S. had a real interest rate of -5.2%
Printing checks and transferring directly into bank accounts for any reason besides employment can be deemed as stimulus. Stimulus increases the money supply directly which may beget higher prices.
An investment that offers few guarantees but many investment choices and options. One serious disadvantage is the high level of expenses inside the products.
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